News: Invitation to webinar on ESG Compliance | Register Committee Results | Call for Proposals | EUniQ Final Conference

Invitation to our webinar “ESG Compliance: The Challenges and Lessons Learned from EQAR’s Registration Process”.

We are pleased to announce that registration has opened for our Webinar “ESG Compliance: The Challenges and Lessons Learned from EQAR’s Registration Process”. The event is open for all who are interested and participation is free.

The decision-making on ESG compliance of QA agencies that want to be listed on the Register, is in the hands of the EQAR Register Committee (RC). In the report “Analysis of Register Committee’s decisions”, the work of the RC has been examined in detail. This report will be the point of departure of the webinar and will be published shortly.

During the webinar, experts in the field of external QA will discuss the findings of this analysis, focusing on the challenges and the pitfalls of ESG compiance as well as the lessons learned from the EQAR registration process.

Tuesday 6 October
10:00-11:45 CEST (via Zoom)

Registration and agenda
Click here for the agenda and registration form

Register Committee results

Register Committee members got together both in person and online, for the first ever hybrid RC meeting on 1-2 July and:

Find out more about the meeting and which Change Reports were discussed 

Call for Proposals for posters & research papers

In the framework of the DEQAR CONNECT project, we invite scholars, practitioners and students to submit research proposals that draw on DEQAR data.

The aim is to offer policymakers knowledge that will support better informed approaches in higher education and enrich the understanding about the dynamic and vivid higher educational landscape in the EHEA.

Selected authors will be invited to present their work in a poster or paper session at the DEQAR CONNECT Conference for the Bologna working structures on QA and recognition “From Data to Policy – Linking Quality Assurance and Recognition”.

This event will gather representatives of ministries of education, quality assurance agencies, ENIC-NARICs and experts on higher educational policies from across the European Higher Educational Area.

Delve into DEQAR, explore, analyse and submit your proposal by 1 October 2021!

Check out the full Call, the online form for submitting your proposal and information about the Conference.

EUniQ Final Conference

Another event that is not to be missed is the "EUniQ Online Dissemination Conference" on 27 September, 13.00 – 16.00 CEST.

The event, with as subtitle: ‘Quality Assurance of European Universities: Framework and Implementation’  is open for all who are interested and participation is free. The event is especially targeted towards the representatives of quality assurance agencies, university networks, national ministries responsible for higher education and European stakeholder organisations.

The EUniQ project has worked over the past two years on the development of a European approach for comprehensive Quality Assurance of European Universities. As part of the project, a European Framework for Quality Assurance of European Universities was developed and piloted with a selection of European Universities.

During the final conference on Monday 27 September 2021, the results of the project will be presented and experiences will be shared and exchanged on how quality assurance methodologies can be applied to European Universities.

Link to the online event page

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