News: Register Committee meeting in Brussels | QA-FIT - Quality Assurance Fit for the Future | IMINQA - Implementation and Innovation in QA through Peer Learning | TPG LRC CORE - Constructing Recognition in the EHEA | EQAF registrations

Register Committee meeting in Brussels

At the latest Register Committee meeting, which took place on the premises of the new EQAR office on 1-2 July, the Committee approved the following applications for renewal of registration on the Register:

The Register Committee also considered several eligibility applications and substantive change reports. The next Register Committee meeting will take place online on 9 and 11 October (two half days).

Check out the following features on our website:
Publication of all Register Committee decisions
Database of precedents, featuring various search/filter options and including relevant excerpts of RC decisions
Key statistics on the application process and ESG compliance (make sure to scroll down to view all the different charts)

QA-FIT - Quality Assurance Fit for the Future

The aim of the QA-FIT project is to address whether the ESG are "fit" for the future, through a comprehensive mapping exercise of the state of play of internal and external quality assurance in the EHEA. This has been done via surveys to all stakeholder groups, focus groups and multiple analyses.

The end of the project is now in sight and will be concluded with two events and a final publication, showcasing the most pressing questions and issues that have been gathered through the project “how have the ESG been adapted to different contexts?”, “how have quality assurance activities addressed the recent and emerging developments in higher education?” and "what are the perspectives on the future of quality assurance in the EHEA"?

Coming up soon

IMINQA - Implementation and Innovation in QA through Peer Learning

This umbrella project supports the work of the Bologna Thematic Peer Group C on Quality Assurance, focusing on the implementation of the key commitment on quality assurance in all EHEA countries.

EQAR presented the recent expansion in DEQAR featuring data on external QA of micro-credentials and other providers, as well as the DEQAR data model at an IMINQA Working Group meeting at the end of April. EQAR also presented the recent developments regarding the feasibility assessment on the establishment of an ESG-based quality label for all providers that operate in alignment with the European Approach for Micro-credentials. This included the outcomes of the mapping and analysis of ESG-aligned QA labels in higher education and the perception of QA agencies towards implementing such labels.

The staff mobility part of the IMINQA project has been concluded. During the last call there were almost 30 mobility visits/exchanges. The top five main topics of the recent staff mobilitiy visits were:

  1. Enhancement-oriented use of the ESG
  2. Stakeholder engagement, European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes, digitalisation of QA processes
  3. Cross-border QA
  4. Internal QA
  5. Legislative framework in line with the ESG

Coming up soon:

The publication of the Thematic Analysis on the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes, written by EQAR. The analysis offers an overview of the implementation efforts with regard to the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes and delves into the various national and institutional challenges as well as the complexities and opportunities associated with implementing the European Approach.

TPG-LRC CoRE - Constructing Recognition in the EHEA

TPG (Thematic Peer Group) - LRC (Lisbon Recognition Convention) Constructing Recognition in the EHEA, is an umbrella project that aims to support the implementation of the Bologna Process, focusing on key commitment 2: national legislation and procedures compliant with the Lisbon Recognition Convention.

EQAR, among others, contributes to the working group of quality assurance of recognition (along with EUA, ESU, Nuffic, HARNO and CIMEA), exploring the quality of recognition processes.

As part of the working group, EQAR collaborated with an independent researcher and made a qualitative analysis using DEQAR reports. This research dwells deeper into the work of 11 of EQAR’s registered agencies and provides insight in the coverage of ESG 1.4, with a focus on recognition. The (condensed) analysis, part of a publication on quality of recognition, is now public. ⇒ Read the report The complete qualitative analysis will be publised by EQAR at a later date.

EQAF registrations

Registrations are now open for the 2024 European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF).

This year’s Forum will focus on the theme of ‘Enhancing education, research and societal engagement through quality assurance’. It will explore new policies, innovative methodologies and tools that can ensure a holistic approach to quality and quality assurance.

The Forum will be hosted by the University of Twente, Netherlands, from 14 to 16 November 2024. During the event, paper sessions, workshops and practice presentations will allow for interactive audience participation and opportunities for exchange of experiences and good practices. In addition to the sessions on the Forum theme, the event will also provide opportunities to network. For more information, please check the EQAF event page.

By registering, you will join the largest annual gathering of the European community for the quality assurance of higher education.
⇒ Register now

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